Gatsby without GraphQL - only JSON

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Number one misconception about Gatsby is that you need to know GraphQL to build something with Gatsby, which is not true. Yes, you don't need GraphQL. A Gatsby site can be built from an API or just with some data from a JSON file.

You don't need GraphQL.

If you don't know what Gatsby is, it is a static site generator built in React. You can use React to build the components of the website and give them to Gatsby, which will then generate a blazing fast website for you.

If you are interested in building it from an API, here is a well demonstrated example.

If most of you site is static and only certain part of it changes, why would you need GraphQL to fetch things.

Let us build a site from just a JSON file which contains some data.

Let's Start

Step One is to clone the hello-world-starter and make sure everything works.

1npx gatsby new hello-world
2cd hello-world
3yarn develop

Now, http://localhost:8000 should say, "hello world!".

Adding the data

Add a JSON file at content/data.json which has information on the pages. The path is just a personal preference ;)

1// content/data.json
3 "pages": [
4 {
5 "title": "About",
6 "slug": "about",
7 "paragraphs": [
8 {
9 "heading": "Work",
10 "content": "Works as a Javascript Enginneer. Has experience with Gatsby, React, Javascript, Node, Mongo and a little Python as well"
11 }
12 ]
13 },
14 {
15 "title": "Talks",
16 "slug": "talks",
17 "paragraphs": [
18 {
19 "heading": "Building A Progressive Web App",
20 "content": "PWA (Progre..."
21 },
22 ...
23 ]
24 }
25 ]

Template to render the Page

Next, we create a template which will get the data from the JSON and render it to the webpage.

1// src/templates/page.js
2import React from 'react';
4const PageTemplate = (props) => {
5 const { title = null, paragraphs = null } = props.pageContext;
7 return (
8 <React.Fragment>
9 {title && <h1>{title}</h1>}
10 {paragraphs &&
11 => (
12 <div>
13 <h2>{para.heading}</h2>
14 <p>{para.content}</p>
15 </div>
16 ))}
17 </React.Fragment>
18 );
21export default PageTemplate;

A very naive and basic React component which gets title and paragraphs in the pageContext and it renders them. We will get to how the data is passed to pageContext in a while.

Create the Pages now!

How do we tell Gatsby what pages it should create? By creating gatsby-node.js!

1// gatsby-node.js
2const path = require(`path`);
3const fs = require('fs');
5exports.createPages = ({ actions }) => {
6 const { createPage } = actions;
8 const pageData = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./content/data.json', { encoding: 'utf-8' }));
9 const blogPostTemplate = path.resolve(`src/templates/page.js`);
11 pageData.pages.forEach((page) => {
12 createPage({
13 path: page.slug,
14 component: blogPostTemplate,
15 context: {
17 },
18 });
19 });

Here, we use createPages() API, where we loop through all the pages from the JSON data, and call createPage() action to create the actual page. Here we pass the template(which is component) and the URL(path) where the page has to be generated. The actual data is passed as context. This is the context that we use in our Page template to populate the data.


Boom! It actually works of you have used yarn develop. It hot reloads every change you make. Now you can navigate to http://localhost:8000/talks and /about pages and see how they look (and feel good about yourself).

You realise the potential of Gatsby, right? Possibilities are limitless. In this case, you just have to add styles and you have a portfolio site.

Thanks for reading through.

Keep on hacking!

Aravind Balla

By Aravind Balla, a Javascript Developer building things to solve problems faced by him & his friends. You should hit him up on Twitter!

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