Getting Work Done when away from Home

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Ability get stuff done while roaming around is a skill which can be built. I've been practising this for almost 4 years now and this is what I learnt.

  • when you are not your home office or office in general, it's hard to get into the zone

  • Day feels cluttered, too much disorganisation

  • You can use a schedule because there won't be any structure to your day

  • Your thoughts will be all over the place

  • routines help

    • Morning routine where you write mooring pages to empty your mind and plan out tasks for your day.
    • Evening routine of what went well and what didn't
  • Plan short blocks of deep work session

  • Your ability to go in and out of deep work improves with deliberate practice.

Aravind Balla

By Aravind Balla, a Javascript Developer building things to solve problems faced by him & his friends. You should hit him up on Twitter!

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